The monks are very sorry that this has happened to him, and endure his raging and his ranting with the sad patience of people who know the volcano is going to erupt and where the pyroclastic flow will have to land, and have to deal with it anyway.Īnd Vimes does the only thing he knows how to do, and goes to work. There are six new graves to be dug up in Small Gods, and Vimes looks at the grass where the seventh should be and feels sick.

The Glorious 25 th of May happens and keeps happening, and Vimes lives by the skin of his teeth and sees the dawn of the less glorious 26 th of May, and the cleanup of its bloody yesterday. The hole opened and closed, and will stay closed the cards are shuffled and cannot be unshuffled. In belated honor of the Discworld fandom’s ‘Feelings Day’, and in order to cause some more Feelings, I’m curious about a version where Vimes doesn’t go home.